Call for Researchers

Are you a PhD student?  Are you doing a Post Doc?  Did you just start your career in academia after finally finishing said PhD or Post Doc?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then it’s clear that you’re SUPER keen about your chosen subject, be it archaeology, biology, history, literature, mathematics, psychology, or some other not mentioned but equally (if not more) awesome subject!

We would love to help you (and for you to help us) share that excitement, passion, and dare we say it, obsession with your subject with the world.  It isn’t hard.  Actually, it’s quite easy.  All you need to do is visit our contact section for information on the various way to get in touch.  Then get in touch – with your name, where you study or work, and summary of your recent research (or what makes you so hopelessly in love with your subject) and we’ll get started!

So until we hear from you, why not consider this: “Science isn’t about why, it’s about why not.  You ask: Why is so much of our science dangerous?  I say: Why not marry safe science if you love it so much…” ―Cave Johnson